Monographs and Books

Edwards, D. (2017). Cultural, Autobiographical and Absent Memories of Orphanhood: The Girls of Nazareth House Remember. Palgrave Macmillan: Basingstoke.

Peer Reviewed Journal Articles

Edwards, D. and Gibson, L. (2017). Counting the pennies: the cultural economy of charity shoppingCultural Trends 26 (1), p. 70-79.

Schaefer, K., Edwards. D. and Milling, J. (2017). Performing Moretonhampstead: Exploring rural dimensions of participation and emerging questions for cultural policy and everyday participation.Cultural Trends 26 (1), p. 47-57.

Gibson. L. and Edwards. D. (2016). Facilitated participation: Cultural value, risk and the agency of young people in care. Cultural Trends 25 (3), p. 194-204.

Book Chapters

Edwards. D. (2014). "‘I'd rather you ask me because I/I/I don't really know, you know”: The Dilemma of (Auto)Biographical Interviewing. In SAGE Research Methods Cases. Sage: London.

Edwards, D. (2012). Remembering the Home: The intricate effects of narrative inheritance and absent memory on the biographical construction of orphanhood. In Boesen, E.; Lentz, F.; Margue, M; Scuto, D. and Wagener, R. (eds). Peripheral Memories: Public and Private Forms of Experiencing and Narrating the Past. Transcript: Bielefeld.

Policy Reports

Gibson, L. and Edwards, D. (2015). Valuing Participation: The cultural and everyday activities of young people in care. School of Museum Studies, University of Leicester (